
Showing posts from October, 2007

rat day @ the ace cafe

on sunday me n si went to the ace cafe for rat bike day. it was a bit of a wet and windy ride there and there wasn't many people there due to the weather.... hum.... in my youth when i was a scooter girlie a bit of bad weather never put us off and we didn't even have waterproof trousers. me thinks some of these rat bike people must be pussys lol anyway at least i do know what a rat bike is due to being a scooter girlie lol so we had a cuppa n a sandwich, wandered round, took some photos, had another cuppa, took some more photos and went home :) si tells me where to go lol... si on his bike... these are all rat bikes... me n si in the ace cafe... i don't know much about rat bikes but this one was my favourite...

dreadzone trinity bristol

a great night was had by all at the trinity centre in bristol for the first night of the dreadzone 'love the life' tour on wednesday 24th october the day before the first anniversary of the death of guitarist steve roberts. as always dreadzone put on a wicked live show with three new tunes in the set and a while later some of them came back on and played a sound system set. the highlight of the night though must be the fun backstage with the pumpkin :p big love n respect to dreadzone - greg, spee, earl, leo, chrin c n chris o, the dread crew - jonny, loki n marlon n nigel, the forum posse - ian, sally, jan, kelly n of course ME!!! also those who couldn't be there, scary dave, lady lou, alex, phil, jill, doug n da rest of the forum posse and finally steve roberts may he rest in peace xxx ian n me... dreadzone... me, kelly, ian, jan, sally n random bloke... me, earl 16 and da pumpkin!... me, spee, jan, kelly and da pumpkin!... jan, me, kelly n ian... me, chris c and da pumpki...

dreadzone sound system in swindon

we turned up late for this gig but as they played for 3 hours we stil got to boogie for an hour or so :) not only was it great to see greg and spee again but it was great to catch up with the forum posse as well... the gorgeous ian n jan... the lovely phil n jill... bootiful mc spee... dreadzone sound system... mc spee n greg dread... supermodel alex being shy lol... jan n ian again... the amazingly talented and generous greg dread... spee doin his ting...

Sugarhill festival

A great time was had by all at SUGARHILL FESTIVAL in Swindon recently. The weather was good, the music excellent and the whole event had an amazing chilled out vibe to it. With a line up including Dreadzone, RDF, Dub the Earth, The Beat, Neville Staple and Mad Professor I wasn't going to miss this one! A few of us that know each other through being Dreadzone fans created out own Dread village at the festival where we all camped. My write-up and pictures are on my website HERE . Below are a few photos taken by my friend Doug. Phil and his amazing Dread punch! Ian and his amazing Dreadzone banner! Alex and Loki just chillin. Loki, Chris and Scary Dave. Phil and Loki. Jonny and Jill. Chris after Phil's amazing Dread punch! Chris and Marlon. A lovely gesture from myself!

I've been such a crap blogger lol

Yeh yeh yeh I know it's been so long since I wrote in here, have you missed me? No? Ok fuck you then! I've decided to stop doing my main website, now Lee is older I don't have to stay in every night and look after him and so now I have a life and no time to do loads of stuff on the site. It will still be live and I may add festival pictures next summer but mainly I'll be using this blog for photos from gigs and events. I am on myspace and there is a link to my page on my site as well as a link to my youtube page which I will still add to. If you actually know me personally then you can also find me on facebook but that is for real-life friends only! Also don't forget to sign my guestbook !! Ok there is another reason I've been so slack but that's not for the public area of the internet but he is very special lol Take care out there people, be free, be love, respect xxx xxx xxx