love grocer

now i was so excited by lee getting his new drumkit on saturday that i forgot to write about friday! ok the truth is that it's not just lee and his kit thats on my mind! although certain friends seem to think i write EVERYTHING that happens in my life on this blog i actually don't. like i want the whole tinternet knowing my personal buisness so i'll leave it to your imagination readers as to why my head is in the clouds right now........

anyway on friday we had to go to bristol to another drum shop to get some bits and to pick up nigel, lee's dad. dave from love grocer had told me they were playing at my wolf's noodle bar in bristol that night and although they were on too late for us to see the gig we went down there to say hello and catch up with them. it was nice to see dave again and meet the rest of love grocer properly, chris, richard and chas. we had some noodles and a couple of drinks and listened to the sound check and then we went home.

so sorry i missed that whole little event out of my blog!

this week has been brilliant so far, work is mellow, everyone is happy and well basically dear readers life is damn fine! off to college later hence why i'm skiving off work now and writing this blog!

please look and sign this petition as it affects anyone using roads, vehicles even motorcycles, you will be able to be tracked and you will be monitored and charged for mileage, so if you even go just a little over the speed limit you will be fined, this is big brother at its worst. we all know road travel has to be reduced but this aint the way to go about it! CLICKY
