from freezing fog to warm sunshine and back for a rainy NYE!
in the week before i left the UK it was bloody freezing! flights were being cancelled all over the place due to the fog and i kept my fingers crossed all would be well for our flight from bristol to murcia on xmas eve. luckily the fog hadn't affected bristol airport and it was clearing all over the UK by the time we left anyway but i still breathed a sigh of relief when we were actually in the air and heading south for some sun.
my last week at work had been OK although it had been horribly cold in the warehouse where i spend most of my day. i had been wearing loads of layers of clothes and was still damn cold! to add to that the freezing conditions had meant condensation was dripping off the inside of the roof once things started to thaw a little. a mad dash to B&Q to buy some plastic sheeting insured all the stock would be safe!
we touched down on spainish soil at the now familiar murcia airport and got a taxi to my mums house. she had warned us it had been a bit cooler out there but we had a lovely week with temperatures at around 15 degrees all week, blue skies and lots of sun. the evenings were much colder though but hey who's complaining when your sat in a nice warm little spainish resturant with a bottle of red?

it was a most relaxing chilled out week, i ate too much, definatly drank too much (apologies to all those i drunkenly texted LOL), watched loads of crap TV, walked along the beach and slept loads. a perfect week away, celebrated the yuletime without the maddness that ensues over here.

all too soon it was time to get back on the plane and fly home, (just in time by the sounds of it as bristol airport is now closed due to a dodgy runway!) i dropped lee off at his dad's place in bristol and drove to wales to spend new years eve in cardiff.
we went to the old howardians athletic club to see a couple of bands i had never heard of, cakehole presley and captain paranoid. we arrived early as it was limited to 150 tickets and being NYE thought it may well sell out. once we had bought our tickets we left and went into cardiff to sample the delights there. well if you like 70's disco music and a massive funfair you would have loved it, me i can think of nothing worse than trudging round a crowded (and i mean rammed!) funfair in the cold and then listening to a crap band! it reminded me of why i haven't been out on a NYE for years and i love sparky renos idea of spending the next one in a beautiful hot desert! we left to get back to the club for midnight.
the club was a weird place, very small downstairs with a narrow room where the bar is opening out into a slightly bigger space where the band were. the band took up half this space so not much room! after the midnight thang we moved upstairs which was a slightly bigger room. i can't understand why they didn't have a DJ on up there but they didn't and so it was very quiet, the music from downstairs did filter up though and the nice thing about it was you could hold proper conversations with people without shouting!
when we first went up there we were the only people up there apart from a grumpy old man but as the night wore on it filled up. we talked to a few groovy people who had probably done far too much cocaine which was dead funny. got kicked out at nearly 3am and made our way back to sparky's house for a smoke. he had some of the new see through rolling papers, bizaar! i did take a pic of a spliff made with one but you couldn't tell what it was.
went home in the morning to jaffa the cat very pleased to see me after a week on his own. had a very quiet day on the sofa and an early night. the next morning i bummed around the house and went to work in the afternoon. arrived at work to a letter from the feds who are doing me for speeding OMFG! 15 years of driving and my first speeding ticked and bloody points on my licence!!!
good week at work though, all is quiet now the xmas rush is over and so we have a couple of weeks respite before the dreaded spring fair up at the NEC! so back to finishing at 2/3pm YAY! went into town and spent some of my birthday money on friday which was nice and sorted out stuff with my mortgage and other bank stuff.
i am on a kind of detox/healthy living kick as we all tend to do at this time of the year. i had been smoking quite a lot when i was out and so thats been knocked on the head. need to loose a bit of the weight i've gained so it's salads, fruit and veg and only water to drink! i have loads of red wine in the house too so the no drinking will only be for january, hey a girls gotta have some pleasure in life!
yesterday i started the BIG spring clean of my house! one room took all day but i did clean EVERYTHING and sorted out anything i found on the way that had been put to one side (like the pair of socks that needed darning, you get the picture!)
today me and lee have been to northampton to the drum centre to look at drumkits. he got a good deal on some cymbals and has ordered the kit he wants. fair play to him for saving up £1000 in a year!
so thats it folks, we are now all up to date in this blog. i'm not going to be going out to any gigs till at least mid feb so no exciting gig pics i'm afraid but i am going to try and get some good pictures on my travels so there is something pretty to look at on here besides me LOL
catch you soon blog friends xoxox
glad you had an abundance of fun on your journey