me and lee went to northampton to THE DRUM CENTRE (great place) to pick up his new mapex drumkit and sabian cymbals on saturday. he has been saving up for a year to get this kit and is well chuffed! he also bought a double bass pedal. the whole kit is now the most valuable thing in our house at £1000!!!

here he is having his first go on it..........
after the trip to northampton it took lee the rest of the day to set up the kit and i just chilled out and spoke to friends on the phone. in the evening i went to see a good friend who was visiting from brighton to do a couple of people's dreadlocks. it was a great evening, very girlie and very lovely! today i have continued with my spring clean. my living room is now sparkling!
and i'm still smiling :-)

here he is having his first go on it..........
after the trip to northampton it took lee the rest of the day to set up the kit and i just chilled out and spoke to friends on the phone. in the evening i went to see a good friend who was visiting from brighton to do a couple of people's dreadlocks. it was a great evening, very girlie and very lovely! today i have continued with my spring clean. my living room is now sparkling!
and i'm still smiling :-)