
I have noticed that my past few blog posts contain quite a lot of negative points about stuff. It wasn't deliberate and obviously reflects on how I'm feeling about things. Getting too involved in stuff online is pointless but happens to the best of us sometimes and has certainly not helped my mood. Instead of focusing on the positive, I have been too focused on the negatives. So here begins a series of posts with only good things to say! Today I want to talk about books, well actually I'm not going to do too much talking. I'm taking my favourite 12 books from the last few years and just saying one sentence about each. If it sounds interesting I'm sure you can find reviews (and spoilers) written by professional book reviewers online! Ducking and diving in Bali's underground world of cocaine dealers. Physical and sexual abuse, underage prostitution and an early life spiralling out of control. A Mexican couple trying to find a better life but facing prejudice and h...