
Showing posts from September, 2015

Last chance....

to buy my traveller and goddess inspired crafts and gifts for a while! We are going to Portugal and Spain for some winter sun and so I will not be selling online until I come back. While over there I hope to do a few markets so hopefully most of it will sell anyway. I'm sure I will also meet lovely new people and see old friends and so things will be given as gifts.  Next year I hope to expand my arts and crafts, I don't really want to do much jewellery but will do a few more specialized pieces, I want to to more natural wood wind chimes as the natural looking ones were far more popular than the ones with glass, ceramic or plastic beads. I want to make a whole new batch of cards with new pictures and I hope to do some one off paintings on canvas as well as some printed copies. Here is an example of some of my cards: Here is an example of some of my jewellery and wind chimes: HERE is the list of stuff I have for sale...


A couple of things I forgot to mention in yesterdays post which are important enough to warrant an extra post today about it. Firstly I didn't mention the causes of hypothyroidism. The most common cause is due to autoimmune thyroid disease, a self-destructive process in which the body’s immune system attacks the thyroid cells as though they were foreign cells. In response the thyroid gland becomes under active (hypothyroidism) or over active (hyperthyroidism). Scientists aren't sure why the body produces antibodies against itself. Some think a virus or bacterium might trigger the response, while others believe a genetic flaw may be involved. A condition called Hashimoto's disease (also known as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis or autoimmune thyroiditis) is the most common type of autoimmune reaction that causes an underactive thyroid. It's not clear what causes Hashimoto’s disease, but it runs in families. It's also common in people with another immune syst...

Hypothyroidism, weightloss and exercise

It has been a little while since I last mentioned my healthy eating trying to loose weight and exercising more lifestyle choice. Back in July I had some blood tests run as I was getting headaches way too frequently, this had been going on for years really sometimes getting better and then coming back again. It was one of those things that I just accepted most of the time, worried about occasionally and then forgot about in the periods when they weren't too bad. This year they had been too regular again and as I was settled here working for a while I decided it was time to properly check it out. So the doctor took lots of my blood (from both arms!!) and I awaited the results. Time passed, I tried to call her, she tried to call me and before I knew it we were well into August before I saw her again. The diagnosis was hypothyroidism, ever heard or it? No I hadn't either! Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid or in my case a totally packed up thyroid which means not enough...

Free Cultural Spaces

There is a new website that has just been launched called FREE CULTURAL SPACES . It is in the early stages but I hope it will become a place for alternative people to turn to to discuss ideas and look for information. I am lucky enough to be part of the collective that helped get it off the ground. Please take a look around and see what you think. A bit of the ‘backstory… The idea for such a FCS Web of Hubs has been nurtured, and now developed, following presentations made at the 2013 ‘3rd Futurological Symposium of Free Cultural Spaces’ held at Ruigoord, Amsterdam. The initial idea was promoted by writer, Alan Dearling and anarchist academic, Stevphen Shukaitis. Alan, with lively input from Symposium organisers and participants debated how this Web of Hubs and the Symposium could be developed. It was agreed that FCS Web of Hubs was a separate project from the FCS Symposium and needed a separate identity – a life of its own – but that it could be us...

Selling things to raise money for dog rescue

As regular readers of this blog will know I am involved in a dog rescue centre out in Portugal. For six months I volunteered there a couple of times a week and I also spent many hours building the website and starting up the Facebook page. Since being back in the UK I have had a big part in managing all the online updates and corrospondence and trying to raise some much needed money. In a few weeks time I am returning to Portugal and I want to take with me some cash to buy some bags of dog food when I am there to donate to the centre. I am auctioning off 4 of my handmade cards and selling a couple of my craft items. I have already sold two hand knitted hats and raised £4. Not much I know but I am going to match the money I make from my Ebay sales with cash from my own pocket. I'm also hoping I might get a few donations each. A 10kg bag of dog food is around £8 so please dig deap and make a donation or bid on or buy one of my items. There are 75 hungry dogs that will re...

One Love Festival

Here are a selection of photographs from the weekend. See my website HERE for a full write up and more photographs of the festival. Also more photos in my Facebook album HERE .   King of Eye  The Defekters  Horseman and the Upper Cut Band   Easydread   Little Roy   The Ohmz  Nucleus Roots  Third World Thanks for looking :) xxx

It's Not The End Of The World

Here are a selection of photographs from the weekend. See my website HERE for a full write up and more photographs of the festival. Also more photos in my Facebook album HERE .   Johnny Kowalski and the Sexy Weirdos  The Cracked Actors  My Samsimillia Creativity stall  Having fun with friends   Saffron Couture Clothing  Fraggle  Jelly   Dave Sanger  Sangers Stage  Firepit Collective Headgames  Complete Dysfunction  The Hedgerow Crawlers Army of Skanks RDF Thanks for looking :) xxx