Diets, Healthy Eating, Will Power, Exersise and a Podcast to listen to!
As followers of this blog will know I have been following a healthy eating programme and trying to exercise every day. I haven't been too restrictive of my diet as firstly I love my food and I don't want to give up loads of nice things and secondly I totally believe that diets don't work. By diets I mean all those fad diets like the Cambridge diet and the cabbage diet and only having 1000 calories a day and any restriction of your diet that just makes you feel hungry a lot of the time and miserable and craving a piece of cake or a biscuit or some cheese! By not working I mean obviously while you stick to them you loose weight but once you have lost the weight and go back to your normal eating habits you put all the weight back on again and quite often a bit more too. The majority of people who do these diets do not then take up a proper healthy eating lifestyle along with some daily exercise and so are in a life long cycle of feeling too big, dieting, loosing weight, eati...