bike the pipe!

Claire Hall from Bristol's Rising Tide successfully completed her challenge to 'bike the pipe' on Friday. She cycled the entire length of the 120 mile pipeline talking to people on the way about the pipeline and the effect it will have whilst being laid as well as future safety issues concerning it.

Claire found that most people on the route had not been told much about it and that they were not aware of the safety concerns or the impact the laying of the pipe will have on their environment. She met farmers who had no choice but to let their land be used for this project as the alternative would be a compulsory purchase order which would mean losing some of their farm land. She also met Dr Richard Furness a pipeline expert who believes that there is no need for this pipe and is concerned about it's safety.

Claire ended her trip in Gloucester where she met up with me and the local Green party councillor, Bryan Meloy.

Claire after her challenge was complete in Gloucester City centre.

Claire with me and Bryan in Gloucester.


Anonymous said…
People should read this.