Conservas (preserves)

We are great fans of conservas, (preserves is the literal translation and means all tinned goods), we mostly have tinned fish. In the UK it is not such a big thing and a lot of people would maybe have a tin of tuna and a tin of sardines in the cupboard for a sandwich filler or to chuck in with some pasta. In Spain and Portugal tinned fish has always been a massive industry and anyone who has holidayed in Portugal will have probably seen the beautifully designed tins and the shops dedicated to them.

While we were in Ayamonte in Spain we saw a whole shop dedicated to conservas! Sadly they were closed for carnival while we were there but we looked in envy through the windows at all the tins of fish!

We regularly eat tins of fish for lunch with a salad or crackers or an array of nibbles and they are a great little thing to keep in the van. We are always on the look out for tins of fish we haven't tried before. Here are a few we tried recently.

Sprats fried in oil.

Mackerel in olive oil, red pepper and herb.

Squid in ink.

Thanks for looking :) xxx
