crap hospitals

about 2 weeks ago my 94 year old gramp who lives in a nursing home fell over. he was as you would expect taken to hospital to be checked over. after an x-ray he was told it was just badly bruised and to go home and rest. after a few days in agony the hospital realised they had made a mistake and he had broken his hip. he was duely taken back in and given a partial hip replacement operation. the next day whilst in hospital he fell out of a chair and the day after fell out of bed. he has also got some sort of infection and so is stuck in a room on his own.

now forgive me if im wrong but not spotting a broken hip?? yeh the docs have said it was hard to see on the x-ray blah blah blah but it was there, you could see it. and then leaving an old confused patient who has just had an operation in a position where he could fall again?? wtf.

and this my friends is the royal surrey hospital, i thought surrey was the wealthiest county in the uk. obviously thats just the rich twats that live round there, god forbid that they ever share any of their wealth with anyone else, they certainly don't give any to the hospital!

the major problem as i can see is that the 'real' staff there, the cleaners, nurses and doctors are underpaid and overworked whilst the consultants and office staff and overpaid and underworked. ok its not that simple but it seems the basis of the problems in hospitals. we need less red tape, less people pushing pens making figures do what they want. we need more 'hands on' staff who are earning a decent wage and working reasonable hours.

hospitals are in the news in my local area today as they want to close 200 beds in gloucester and cheltenham. see BBC, all because they do not have the money. isnt amazing the government can spent trillions of pounds on trident missiles to aparently help defend the citizens of this country but will not put enough money into the NHS to help heal the citizens of this country... it don't make any sense to me.
